

At Folksworth Primary School we recognise the importance of music in a balanced curriculum. We are a school that is committed to the mental wellbeing of our pupils and understand how music can support this. Music can affect the way we feel and how we communicate; by teaching our pupils about a variety of music genres we aim to develop in them an appreciation of the importance of music to many people. We also want our children to be aware that musical tastes vary and, through teaching of different styles, to give them the confidence to express their own opinion and preferences as well as a respect and understanding for the impact music and musical traditions can have on different communities.


We follow the Charanga scheme of work for music, alongside giving our pupils the opportunity to learn to play different instruments. Through this scheme children listen to, evaluate, compose and sing a variety of pieces in a range of styles so they appreciate different musical genres. Our pupils then also have many opportunities to develop their musical skills and understanding through extra curricular activities, singing during collective worship and performances to audiences.